Return Policy

When you buy from us, we want to make you completely satisfied. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the goods, you can exchange or ask for refund. Before returning, please take time to read our return policy carefully. You are recommended to contact our after-sale Customer Service (email address: [email protected]) before returning an item and they will give your some useful advice. reserves the right to charge the handling fee for all returned products.

. Unconditionally returns accepted within 7days

The Unconditionally returns from our customers are acceptable within 7days after you getting the package. when we confirm the arrival of the package you returned, we 'll refund you the payment.

1.pls make sure the products are unused and will not affect the secondary sales.

2.Because that we charged the shipping fee in behave of the shipping company, we will only refund you the good price which is responsibility.

3.After returning the products , pls inform us the following information in your account where you can find a chart

 the order No.,

item code

Photo of the products you sent back

Photo of the shipping label on the package sent to you

Photo of the shipping label in the package you sent to


1.      Plz consult the customer service about the information we need before sending back the package

2.      send the package back to us

3.      After returning the products , pls offer our customer service the information you collect above.

4.      After confirming the information, we will refund the money to your account directly. But the amount is frozen which can be used until we get the package.

5.      We will activate the refund in your account when we get the package, then you can use that for new order.

Full Refunds
We offer full refund on any items that are found to be faulty or damaged due to our fault. Damage caused because of the fault of the third party or customer?s own fault cannot apply for refund.


Partial Refunds 
We also offer partial refund on returned items which have some original parts missing. In such a case, the customer can only get partial refund.